BA in English


The course has two main aims. The first is to challenge and inspire you to read widely across the full range of literatures in English, as well as to engage closely with selected works. Secondly, it will help you to develop the necessary critical and linguistic skills to read, discuss and write about literary and non-literary texts effectively and with confidence

Four compulsory foundation units:

Explorations in literature I
Explorations in literature II
Approaches to text
Renaissance comedy: Shakespeare and Jonson

Level 2

(four units):

Group A/Period studies

(at least four units must be chosen from this Group)

Literature of the later Middle Ages

Renaissance and Restoration
Augustans and Romantics

Group B

(at least three units must be chosen from this Group)

Literary theory: Plato to Pater

Varieties of language in conversation and literature
Reading women’s writing
The novel
Modern American literature
Nineteenth-century American literature
Drama since 1860
Irish literature in English from 1800 to the present day
Empire and literature
Postcolonial literatures in English
Modern literary theory
Advanced personal study

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